停机问题(2)- 证明溯源


该证明过程如下: 设存在一个可计算的全函数halts(f)判定函数f是否停机,如果f停机,则返回true,否则返回false现在考虑下面这个函数g

def g():

    if halts(g):


如果halts(g)返回true,即g停机,那么g调用loop_foreverg不停机,矛盾。如果halts(g)返回false,即g不停机,因g调用loop_forever而停机,也矛盾。因此,关于存在halts 是一个可计算的全函数的最初假设不成立。

函数g是一个典型的判断性质的自指函数,本质上与说谎者悖论相同。据文献记载,这个证明最初出现在英国计算机学者Christopher Strachey1916-1975)在1965年写The Computer Journal杂志的一封信中【2】。


To the Editor,

The Computer Journal

An impossible program


A well-known piece of folk-lore among programmers holds that is impossible to write a program which can examine any other program and tell, in every case, if it will terminate or get into a closed loop when it is run. I have never actually seen a proof of this in print, and though Alan Turing once gave me a verbal proof (in a railway carriage on the way to a Conference at the NPL in 1953), I unfortunately and promptly forgot the details. This left me with an uneasy feeling that the proof must be long or complicated, but in fact it is so short ans simple that it may be of interest to casual readers. The version below uses CPL, but not in any essential way.


Suppose T[R] is a Boolean function taking a routine (or program) R with no formal or free variables as its argument and that for all R, T[R]=True if R terminates if run and that T[R]=False if R does not terminate.


Consider the routine P defined as follows


rec routine P

       $L: if T[P] go to L

            return $

If T[P]=True the routine P will loop, and it will only terminate if T[P]=False. In each case T[P]= has exactly the wrong value, and this contradiction shows that the function T cannot exist.


Churchill College,


                                          Your faithfully,

                C. Strachey.





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停机问题(3)- 证明溯源