
Alasdair Urquhart的文章罗素与哥德尔”的第三章罗素回应哥德尔定理(Russell’s response to Godel’s theorem)1】(p.10-14)对深入了解罗素关于哥德尔定理的看法很有帮助!



  • Not long after the appearance of Principia Mathematica, G¨odel propounded a new diculty. He proved that, in any systematic logical language, there are propositions which can be stated, but cannot be either proved or disproved. This has been taken by many (not, I think, by G¨odel) as a fatal objection to mathematical logic in the form which I and others had given to it. I have never been able to adopt this view. It is maintained by those who hold this view that no systematic logical theory can be true of everything. Oddly enough, they never apply this opinion to elementary everyday arithmetic. Until they do so, I consider that they may be ignored. I had always supposed that there are propositions in mathematical logic which can be stated, but neither proved nor disproved. Two of these had a fairly prominent place in Principia Mathematica – namely, the axiom of choice and the axiom of infinity. To many mathematical logicians, however, the destructive influence of G¨odel’s work appears much greater than it does to me and has been thought to requirea great restriction in the scope of mathematical logic. ... I adhere to the view that one should make the best set of axioms that one can think of and believe in it unless and until actual contradictions appear.
  • 在《数学原理》出现后不久,哥德尔提出了一个新的困难。他证明,在任何系统的逻辑语言中,有些命题可以被陈述,但不能被证明或证伪。这被许多人(我想不是由哥德尔)认为是对我和其他人提出的数学逻辑的致命反对。我从来没能采纳这种观点。持这种观点的人认为,没有一个系统逻辑理论可以具有普遍的真理性。奇怪的是,他们从未将这一观点应用于初级的日常算术。在他们这样做之前,我认为他们可以被忽略。我一直认为,数理逻辑中有些命题是可以陈述的,但既不能证明也不能证伪。其中有两个命题在《数学原理》中占有相当重要的地位,即选择公理和无穷公理。然而,对许多数理逻辑学家来说,哥德尔的工作的破坏性影响似乎比对我的破坏性影响大得多,并被认为需要对数理逻辑的范围进行极大的限制。… 我坚持这样的观点:一个人应该制定他能想到的最好的公理集,并相信它,除非出现实际的矛盾


  • 当然,我意识到哥德尔的工作具有根本的重要性,但我对它感到困惑不解。这让我庆幸自己不再从事数理逻辑研究。如果一组给定的公理导致了矛盾,那么很明显,至少有一个公理必须是假的。这是否适用于小学生的算术,如果是这样,我们能相信年轻时被教导的任何东西吗?难道我们要认为2+2不是4,而是4.001?显然,这不是我们的初衷



1Alasdair Urquhart, Russell and Gödel. https://www.academia.edu/27310325/Russell_and_G%C3%B6del


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